Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society
The year 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of the first year of operation of the Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society following the amalgamation of the Germany & Colonies Stamp Club (established 1947) and the Stockton German Study Group (1960).

The G&CPS celebrated its inaugural year in 1964 with the first Germania Posta philatelic exhibition held in Stockton.

Title: Fp-Nr. 34157, 35189A
Posted By: Philip Townshend (
Posted On: 07/10/2011 at 13:00:44
Message: Answering my own query, but only in part! I still need more info. A cover on eBay (Oct 2011) addressed by his family to 'Vortragsredner Prof Hirsch' (= lecturer) at Fp 34157 was forwarded by that unit to 35189 with note 'Querverbindung'; someone has marked 'Noorwegen' on cover, seller identifies 34157 as Oslo, 35189 as Narvik. In Loth auction same month a letter to someone else at 35189 identified as 'Seeverteidigung Narvik' (sea defences), yet another to 34157 from a unit in Oslo marked 'Feldpost-Querverbindung', sender an SS-Standartenfuehrer -- so what sort of unit was this Dutch professor giving lectures to? Any info much appreciated, Philip
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Fp-Nr. 34157, 35189A Philip Townshend 08/09/2011 00:26:01
    Fp-Nr. 34157, 35189A Philip Townshend 07/10/2011 13:00:44
Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society