12Gr Copernicus memorial
‘Yacht issue’ stamps
10Pf postal stationery card .
A bit of fun
Germania 1¼M.
1938 Anschluss propaganda card
2Z Hindenburg overprint
5Z official stamp
Soldiers’ Mail
A fantasy 10ct
Occupation of Czechoslovakia
Foreign-workers’ mail
Catch-up flight
Internal camp post
Austrian Post Office
Saar: Marian year
Undercover mail
Christmas present
Saarland 1.10.57 Winter Charity
10Z buildings definitive
Land Registry fee stamp
Commercial cover to Brazil
Inflation – July 1923
Danzig 5M definitive
Deutsche Nothilfe 40+35Rpf
Cover from Schwerin to Eriwitz
Memel – Court writ of summons
South America flight 1938
Commemorating Zeppelin landings
First Graf Zeppelin flight to
South America
Olympic village to New York
Orient Flight around the Eastern Mediterranean
1934 Christmas flight to South America
Last flight of the Hindenburg
1938 Anschluss commemorative
First Anniversary of General Government
FRAMA ‘Automat’ machine stamps
Missing inflation overprint
1 Billion Mark stamp
Stamp shortage at Olpe
Regional post-office overprints
625 stamps used on one letter
DDR 225th anniversary of the birth of Mozart (1756-1791)
Bundesrepublik 75th anniversary of the ‘Blue Riband’ by the passenger ship ‘SS Bremen’
DDR Leipzig Spring Fair
The year 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of the first year of operation of the Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society following the amalgamation of the Germany & Colonies Stamp Club (established 1947) and the Stockton German Study Group (1960).
The G&CPS celebrated its inaugural year in 1964 with the first Germania Posta philatelic exhibition held in Stockton.
Third Reich
The Society’s largest and most active study group welcomes all collectors with a serious interest in the postal history of Germany and the German-occupied territories during the period 1933 to 1945. The Group’s quarterly News Sheet (currently suspended, see above) aims to assist the beginner and to help the more advanced collector to keep up with the latest information and research.
The last published News Sheet can also be accessed here as a pdf file.
Here is a pdf file of the index to all the articles so far available in the Study Group’s News Sheets from 1974 to 2020.
Meetings 12 noon for lunch with displays 13.00-16.00:
The Civil Service club, 13-15 Great Scotland Yard,
London SW1A 2HJ. Tel 0207 930 4881
Forthcoming meetings
19 April 2025
Two fateful years, 1938-1939 – Tony Hickey
26 July 2025
German Winter Relief, the social history – Rex Dixon
18 October 2025
Members’ displays
The Danzig Study Group of the UK was launched on 1 January 2007. I hope that members of the new group will share their knowledge and enjoyment of their collections with me in the pages of a quarterly, full colour, A4-sized journal The Danzig Philatelist, on any aspect of Danzig/Gdańsk philately encompassing postage or revenue stamps and postal history including postcards, postal stationery, documents and relevant ephemera of any period.
Any back issue of ‘The Danzig Philatelist’ can be supplied as a print-on-demand copy to members or non-members. Also a list of the contents of each issue can be viewed here. Also a full index to issues 1-60 (Jan. 2007 – Dec. 2021) can be viewed here.
UK: £18.00 – cash or sterling cheque payable to ‘P.G.H. du Boulay’ or by bank transfer
Europe: £28 or €35 or 150zł; Rest of World - £33 or US $45
Cash in US dollars, Euros or złotys, or International Money Order payable to ‘P.G.H. du Boulay’
or by bank transfer to either Euro or sterling account - enquire for details.
Transfers can be made simply and cheaply through such platforms as Wise or Western Union.
Giles du Boulay, 8 Malvern Road, Aylesbury, Bucks
HP20 1QF, UK
Tel. [0044] (0)1296 488703
E-mail: giles.duboulay@btinternet.com
Stadtposts Collectors
The city posts of Germany were formed as a result of the postal acts of the North German Confederation in 1867 and the Federal Act passed in 1871. This latter act established the Reichspost at the time of the Federation of the German States and provided a monopoly for the State on the delivery of mail between towns as the Reichspost was not concerned with inner city deliveries, nor with the delivery of parcels, printed papers, unsealed letters and postcards.
Such a vacuum allowed private enterprise to provide a service, which became increasingly necessary as the industrial cities expanded at the end of the 19th century. The postal authorities did not foresee the extent to which it would be used.
A total of 250 private postal companies operated in 164 towns and cities in Germany before they were closed down by the government on 1 April 1900.
For the stamp collector Privatpost or Stadtpost issues offers a wide selection of stamps and covers - some very simple whilst others have very sophisticated designs and unending interest and discoveries.
Membership of the Stadtpost Study Group is FREE and members will receive a quarterly Journal by email. To become a member please apply by email to: stadtpostcollector@gmail.com
German Colonies Collectors Group
The German Colonies and Post Offices abroad provide a wonderfully rich and varied collecting area. The German Colonies Collectors Group (GCCG), based in the USA, is a Study Group of the Germany Philatelic Society, an Associated Group of the G&CPS, and an Affiliate of the APS.
The GCCG was founded in 1968, and has been in continuous operation since 1973. We have more than 220 members, principally in the United States, Canada, Germany and the UK. We publish our quarterly journal, VORLÄUFER, in English. Each 36-page issue combines original research, articles, translations from less accessible journals, and regular features including selected auction realizations, reports on books and exhibitions and much more. We also publish a cumulative index (back to 1984) every 18 months. Membership costs $20 (USA & Canada) and 24/$34 (elsewhere).
A sample copy of VORLÄUFER may be obtained either from A. Lavar Taylor, 6 Hutton Centre, Suite 880, Santa Ana, CA 92707-0516 lavartaylor@cox.net or Oliver Wyrtki, 203 Mill Crossing, Yorktown, VA 23693 okeeper@hotmail.com