The year 2014 marked the 50th anniversary of the first year of operation of the Germany & Colonies Philatelic Society following the amalgamation of the Germany & Colonies Stamp Club (established 1947) and the Stockton German Study Group (1960).


The G&CPS celebrated its inaugural year in 1964 with the first Germania Posta philatelic exhibition held in Stockton.




This is the Society's journal, published quarterly and sent free to members. Bound annual volumes and copies of most individual issues of Germania and other Society publications are available.


This service is restricted to members resident in the UK. Packets containing a wealth of material are constantly in circulation.


See links below for copies of the packet rules and an application form:


Packet Rules

Application Form



Postal Auction manager David Pearce.


Only fully paid-up members of the Society can participate in the auctions.

Auction lists can be sent by e-mail on request without charge. A small charge will be made when members receive the lists by post.


For fuller details of the auction see the attached items:

  1. Further details to follow
  2. Postal Auction rules
  3. Items 9,10 & 11 of the auction rules give details to members wishing to sell items through the auction.
  4. As mentioned above only members of the Society may participate. Any member not currently receiving a catalogue and wishing to do so, should e-mail David Pearce — – quoting their full address details for him to check against the membership list. To join the Society please see details under the ‘Join’ heading of this website.
  5. Auction 312 closes on 31 January 2025. The auction list can be found here. Scans of lots can be provided in request.

The library holds a fine collection of books, catalogues, and other material related to German philately which may be borrowed by UK members, free of charge except for postage. The library catalogue can be found by clicking here.


The Society has a number of regional and study groups. Details of these including forthcoming meetings can be found by clicking here: regional Groups, study groups.


Members can purchase publications on various aspects of German philately – general or specialised. Back issues of Germania are also available. Furthermore the Society can supply a wide range of philatelic accessories such as stamp catalogues (not just for German stamps but worldwide), albums, leaves, mounts etc mostly at 20% discount (+ postage). Go to the MEMBERS’ page for access to these membership benefits.